Monday, March 6, 2017

Chunky Snapchat Christian

During my interview for Cookson, the director asked my how I handle high levels of stress. I answered, rather vulnerably, “I gain weight.”

What I should have said was, “I overbook myself. Then, I binge watch TV or make more plans to hang out with people. I do no housework nor any exercise. I eat whatever I want and as much as I want."

Here’s the picture:
After a season of unavoidable hustle and bustle, I’m addicted to the busyness. I find myself unable to handle the nights alone, so I make more plans for “building relationships” every night. I lose all motivation to prepare healthy meals or exercise because I’m so exhausted from all of my activities. Therefore, I gain weight. After a few months of this, I need new clothes and a counselor.

Meanwhile, focused time alone with God disappears from my life. I sort of keep up with my Bible app reading plans, and sometimes I listen to worship music. I still act and talk like a Christian, and I still pray, but it’s like trying to maintain a long distance relationship using Snapchat.

Quickly popping in and out of others’ stories, I send a snap to Him, hoping He looks at it, but not completely believing He will do anything about it. After all, I only vaguely observe any snaps he sends to me.

When I first got to Cookson, I was so bored. I had few friends, no internet, and time. Lots of time. Loneliness followed me around my apartment at night, but God wrapped me tightly in his arms when it was hardest.

Flash forward a few months. Friends and family surround me on every side. Events fill up my calendar, and I am busy. I am spiritually empty, I am impatient with everyone, and my pants are too tight.

I’ve gone through this cycle twice in the past 8 moths, and in an effort to combat the busyness, this is now what my calendar looks like.

Yes. I have planned to Make No Plans.

Taking control of my schedule has given me motivation for a few other changes.


You know the saying, “A yes to one thing means is a no to something else”? I have decided that a “NO” to busyness means a “YES” to my sanity, my health, and my relationship with Jesus.

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. ~ Romans 15:13

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