Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Pour Jon Wick

In addition to real stories from my life, I plan to spread joy by way of fiction stories. I hope you enjoy this short, goofy scene that came from my brain. 


Kellie and I sat at Pour Jon's coffee shop, sipping our respective coffees and enjoying one another's company. Suddenly, a scream bellowed from the kitchen. A muffin launched from the server's hand as she attempted to pass it gracefully to the dark-haired, brooding man standing at the counter. He looked up at the noise, just in time to catch the rogue baked good in mid-air. Reacting to the sound of the terrified scream, the man pulled a butterfly knife from a hidden compartment on the side of his pants. He whipped the knife around in self-defense but decided the danger had subsided. He gazed down at his beloved knife, and as his hand had not received any permanent damage from the sugary item, he very carefully used the knife to spread the 100% organic free-range butter on his blueberry muffin. 

This is the story of Pour Jon Wick. 

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